Holy crap everyone. I haven't been very involved in the community nearly as much as I would like, I'm a little annoyed with myself for not keeping the community updated at all with my music. So here is a "quick" update on what has been going on the past few 4-5 months. I want to thank everyone and say how awesome you guys are for helping me get to 200 fans. But I will get to that later. Go down to the bottom of the news post if you want to read about the 200 fans, or don't care about the other stuff going on in my life :p
So big one of the big news is, I FINALLY have my music in an Free Android Application called Terrible Teeth! It's actually for free so if you all would like to help out and give the game a download, that would REALLY help us out! Feel free to give it a rating and a review if you are up for it also :) Oh... and uh... let me know how the game is because I haven't gotten a chance to play it since I don't have an android... But the game will hopefully be ported to Flash and iPhone which will be great! But I actually uploaded two of the songs for the android release, and I will be uploading the other two songs in the game when the iPhone release comes out, but I will let you all know when that comes out.
Here is the link to Terrible Teeth! The art and gameplay looks like epic fun... but the music is alright... :p
Terrible Teeth Android Game :)
I'm sure you all don't want to hear about school, so I'll make it short. It's fun and boring at the same time... it's fun because I'm working in music, but each class is 4 hours long and a lot of the material is self explanatory, so it ends up being 8 hours long... But we are working on vocal production and we get to do auto tuning and other fun stuff :D
Along with making music for Terrible Teeth, I have actually been designing my own iPhone game! I applied for a game and level design job, and me and the programmer have been getting along really well! So we decided to make a quick iPhone game in a short amount of time. The game is looking really fun, and I am doing game, level design, music and some sound effects as well. I won't give any spoilers, but we are almost done, and there is a community editor :D You guys will all be hearing about the game updates very soon, we will hopefully release it in the next month :)
Also, I'm pretty sure I have mentioned this in every single new post that I have made on newgrounds... But I plan on making a voice acting demo. Me and my animator friend have been working on animation ideas where I have done the voice acting and music (and sound effects), and I had a blast doing it! So voice acting demo will be coming soon hopefully... So if anyone has advice to give me when making my voice acting demo (since I've never made one) let me know! I would really love to perfect this as much as possible and get some gigs voice acting for animations and maybe even games!
And lastly, thank you EVERYONE for 200 fans. I am so happy that I have hit this milestone. On to the next one I guess! But getting 200 fans kind of made me realize that I need to keep making music for the community. So I am going to do my best to upload music from games and animations I work on, it depends on the project but if I don't do that I'll try to upload songs specifically for you guys :3 I have some nice melodies in mind for some songs. I am holding off on writing a lot of music because I want to upgrade my instruments... CCC2 came out some time ago and I have really been considering buying it. So hopefully I can get some money from the games I have been working with to get some nice sounding instruments... logic has no saxophones and the drums are very average. But seriously guys. This has to be the best community out there, and I really appreciate all of the support and help over this past year I have been on newgrounds :)
Thanks for reading all of this guys. It really means a lot to me that some people actually read all of this crap.
Follow me on Soundcloud and subscribe to me on Youtube if you want :D
Thanks guys :)
Thanks man!