Merry Christmas Everyone :) Terrible Teeth has just come out on iPhone as of a few days ago! Terrible Teeth is a mobile game starring the daring Cornelius on his journey to save Sweet Pea. It's an endless running game and I did the music for it!
Click here to play the newgrounds flash demo!
The game has been on iPhone for about a week and has been on Android for quite some time. And they are free! Feel free to give it a download rate and review it. It really helps us all out :)
Also, lastly as a little christmas present, I have the Terrible Teeth Original Soundtrack for free on bandcamp. So anyone who wants to download the soundtrack can do so free of cost!
Download the Album for Free here
Merry Christmas everyone, you all are part of the best and most supportive community ever. Getting to where I am with music today would have never happened if it was not for everyone giving me supportive feedback to improve myself in any way possible. Thanks to everyone on newgrounds, and have a merry christmas :)
And a merry Christmas to you too!
Btw, just noticed that as of right now, I have exactly half of your fans (122->244)! Just a random thing I noticed. :P
Merry Christmas Camo!
I actually just recently received my 244th :p Merry Christmas to us both? :D?