Hey everyone! I redid the sounds, music and voices for this transformers trailer! Just decided to do it for fun but I hope you all enjoy. I worked pretty hard on it!
Hey guys! I am looking to create music for movies, video games and also as a solo artist! My music page http://soundcloud.co m/ryan-stunkel If you are interested in using my music then please send me a message with your request!
Age 30, Male
Full Sail University
Boynton Beach, Florida
Joined on 7/14/12
Posted by stunkel - February 2nd, 2015
Hey everyone! I redid the sounds, music and voices for this transformers trailer! Just decided to do it for fun but I hope you all enjoy. I worked pretty hard on it!
Posted by stunkel - January 19th, 2015
Hey everyone :) I just released my album "Balloons" on bandcamp! It's all music inspired by Nintendo's Animal Crossing game series. I'd appreciate it if everyone could take a listen and possibly share it if you like it!
Posted by stunkel - October 10th, 2014
Hey guys, I'm a little late on this because I was out of town and didn't have internet, but Harmony of Heroes is out! Harmony of Heroes is a Super Smash Bros fan arrangment album 101 remixes from previous Super Smash Bros games.
All of the remixes on the album are incredibly unique and a lot of time, passion and work went into these tracks. Do me a favor and download the album, we all appreciate it greatly :)
Posted by stunkel - June 9th, 2014
Hey everyone! I'm looking for a wordpress web designer. Someone who uses dreamweaver. I have a project and need one to help me out. Feel free to add me on
skype: stunkel2
or send me an email at: ryanwstunkel@gmail.com
Or just send me a PM if you are interested! This is a paid position.
Hope everyone is doing well. Sorry I haven't uploaded in a while.
Posted by stunkel - December 24th, 2013
Merry Christmas Everyone :) Terrible Teeth has just come out on iPhone as of a few days ago! Terrible Teeth is a mobile game starring the daring Cornelius on his journey to save Sweet Pea. It's an endless running game and I did the music for it!
Click here to play the newgrounds flash demo!
The game has been on iPhone for about a week and has been on Android for quite some time. And they are free! Feel free to give it a download rate and review it. It really helps us all out :)
Also, lastly as a little christmas present, I have the Terrible Teeth Original Soundtrack for free on bandcamp. So anyone who wants to download the soundtrack can do so free of cost!
Download the Album for Free here
Merry Christmas everyone, you all are part of the best and most supportive community ever. Getting to where I am with music today would have never happened if it was not for everyone giving me supportive feedback to improve myself in any way possible. Thanks to everyone on newgrounds, and have a merry christmas :)
Posted by stunkel - December 9th, 2013
Hey everyone! I’m doing music for a game that’s on greenlight for Steam right now! The game is called Pluck and it’s a game that has my music and sound effects in it! Anyone who uses Steam, I would greatly appreciate it if you all could go and give it an upvote, from playing the demo it’s a ton of fun, and I would just be ecstatic if Steam actually Greenlit this!
So it would really help me out if you guys went and upvoted this on greenlight for Steam. Here is the link :)
Pluck Greenlight On Steam, Go upvote it!
As for other things that are going on, I got CCC2, and am loving it. I have a song in mind to upload soon, and it will feature hollywood brass and strings and I hope that it will just sound beautiful ;_; Also! Terrible Teeth will be out on Iphone very soon! If you have an android you can download it now for free :) There will be an update very soon with a few new chapters, I’ll be posting an album where you can download the music from Terrible Teeth for free!
Also, my buddy Chongo, who is a voice actor here on newgrounds has just posted a new episode of his “What the Fanfic”. The show is really funny and he has a great time doing it (and he has the same name as me so the channel just HAS to be successful :p).
But seriously, here’s a link to his newest video!
Well guys, thanks for reading this post, you all are great, I really (blue portal)
Posted by stunkel - November 21st, 2013
I just got these beautiful instruments... They were pretty expensive and I realized I could get a student discount on it and get half off. But of course this was after I bought it, so I am going to get a refund, but everyone at quantum leap sales is being a huge pain and now I'm trying to get them to give me my moneys back >:(
But seriously, going to download this ASAP. Hopefully I'll have something with these instruments out soon!
Posted by stunkel - October 16th, 2013
A lot of cool stuff is going on this week! So here's a little update on what's been going on, some cool stuff, new stuff, and just a lot of... stuff. If you aren't interested in reading any of this... THEN THAT'S JUST TOO BAD!
First off with something cool. I got a one sentence mention in an article for the Android game Terrible Teeth on the website 8bitgamer.com! I haven't gotten any sort of mention in an article before and one sentence seems pretty awesome to me :p It's not much but hey, gotta start somewhere I guess. I'm honestly not really into doing articles or anything like that, I don't see it as a big deal, but it's pretty fun to see a gaming website say good things about my music. And the best part is they made a typo in the ONE SENTENCE which my name appears XD Pretty funny.
Here is the link to the article if anyone is interested
So I think you can check my last few news posts and you will see me mentioning that I will be doing 8-bit music. And it's funny because I kept on saying I would do it (having my mind set on doing it anyways), and I never got around to it... UNTILL NOW! I have actually just posted an 8-bit song last night! Click here if you want to be directed to my 8-bit song "Waves". The song uses 8-bit instruments for the most part, but it does not actually follow any 8-bit rules rules. I used my own kick and snare, I used reverb, and I didn't limit myself to the number of instruments that old classic consoles like NES or Genesis allowed. In that sense, I did not follow any rules, but it still sounds 8-bit! However the genre would most likely fall under a more Electro or Trance electronic genre (IDK MY ELECTRONIC GENRES SRRYLOL) But for real, if anyone who is experienced in electronic or 8-bit music is reading this, I would love to get some feedback as to how I could make it better. Thanks! And expect more 8-bit from me! I had a lot of fun making it :)
Also feel free to mention how much you hate electronic genres and how there are way too many of them. I think breaking down one genre into 100 different sub-genres just because it has a different emotion behind it is pretty stupid. I know it's mainly because of big electronic music events and clubs, but could you imagine if orchestral music was the same exact way?? I'm sure that statement is a little bit false in one way or another, but you get my point. In short, I think the idea of genres is really stupid because it brings up debate of what each genre should classify, and there are no real rules behind it and does not really make sense x_x. In short, I think genres are stupid.
And I am still working on that iPhone game. No big updates with that, and I said I won't give any spoilers, but there will be a community editor and high score systems. We are making it as perfect as we can be! We have hit some roadblocks but we are managing to get through them pretty well. I'll be mentioning it here on my newgrounds post when it's released.
Also, my song Trapped in a Snowglobe (<--Link to Song) was front-paged last night :DD This is my second front-page that i have gotten and it's really exciting to know that it got chosen to go up there. It feels a lot better when it's a song that I put more heart into as well. So thank you to the people in newgrounds who selected my song to go up on the front-page, it means a lot to me!
Thanks for reading this guys, I'll make a new post whenever i have a new song to show or anything. But feel free to check out my soundcloud and my youtube
Posted by stunkel - September 19th, 2013
Holy crap everyone. I haven't been very involved in the community nearly as much as I would like, I'm a little annoyed with myself for not keeping the community updated at all with my music. So here is a "quick" update on what has been going on the past few 4-5 months. I want to thank everyone and say how awesome you guys are for helping me get to 200 fans. But I will get to that later. Go down to the bottom of the news post if you want to read about the 200 fans, or don't care about the other stuff going on in my life :p
So big one of the big news is, I FINALLY have my music in an Free Android Application called Terrible Teeth! It's actually for free so if you all would like to help out and give the game a download, that would REALLY help us out! Feel free to give it a rating and a review if you are up for it also :) Oh... and uh... let me know how the game is because I haven't gotten a chance to play it since I don't have an android... But the game will hopefully be ported to Flash and iPhone which will be great! But I actually uploaded two of the songs for the android release, and I will be uploading the other two songs in the game when the iPhone release comes out, but I will let you all know when that comes out.
Here is the link to Terrible Teeth! The art and gameplay looks like epic fun... but the music is alright... :p
Terrible Teeth Android Game :)
I'm sure you all don't want to hear about school, so I'll make it short. It's fun and boring at the same time... it's fun because I'm working in music, but each class is 4 hours long and a lot of the material is self explanatory, so it ends up being 8 hours long... But we are working on vocal production and we get to do auto tuning and other fun stuff :D
Along with making music for Terrible Teeth, I have actually been designing my own iPhone game! I applied for a game and level design job, and me and the programmer have been getting along really well! So we decided to make a quick iPhone game in a short amount of time. The game is looking really fun, and I am doing game, level design, music and some sound effects as well. I won't give any spoilers, but we are almost done, and there is a community editor :D You guys will all be hearing about the game updates very soon, we will hopefully release it in the next month :)
Also, I'm pretty sure I have mentioned this in every single new post that I have made on newgrounds... But I plan on making a voice acting demo. Me and my animator friend have been working on animation ideas where I have done the voice acting and music (and sound effects), and I had a blast doing it! So voice acting demo will be coming soon hopefully... So if anyone has advice to give me when making my voice acting demo (since I've never made one) let me know! I would really love to perfect this as much as possible and get some gigs voice acting for animations and maybe even games!
And lastly, thank you EVERYONE for 200 fans. I am so happy that I have hit this milestone. On to the next one I guess! But getting 200 fans kind of made me realize that I need to keep making music for the community. So I am going to do my best to upload music from games and animations I work on, it depends on the project but if I don't do that I'll try to upload songs specifically for you guys :3 I have some nice melodies in mind for some songs. I am holding off on writing a lot of music because I want to upgrade my instruments... CCC2 came out some time ago and I have really been considering buying it. So hopefully I can get some money from the games I have been working with to get some nice sounding instruments... logic has no saxophones and the drums are very average. But seriously guys. This has to be the best community out there, and I really appreciate all of the support and help over this past year I have been on newgrounds :)
Thanks for reading all of this guys. It really means a lot to me that some people actually read all of this crap.
Follow me on Soundcloud and subscribe to me on Youtube if you want :D
Thanks guys :)
Posted by stunkel - March 5th, 2013
So I haven't uploaded in about two weeks but I am in the works on a song right now! I have been working on getting better and higher production value from my orchestral music. I have been getting tips from some very well known and successful people on newgrounds to make it better and it really is helping me a lot! So I plan to upload sometime next week.
I haven't really uploaded in some time because I have been busy with school, other projects, and I am getting lazier which I told myself I would not do, but I will try to be better about it. Also, I plan to upload some different genres other than orchestral for a change. I want to do some 8-bit and rock music.
If anyone has any good drum software instruments to suggest, please go right ahead and suggest! I need something different than the Logic Pro drums.
Speaking of 8-bit, I am also going to be entering the new MAC contest which is specifically for 8-bit music. I have very little experience with 8-bit music but I figure it would be fun to try out. I have something cool in mind for it so get ready for that!
Anyways, thanks for reading this guys! I really appreciate everyone who supports me and my music. I will upload a song next week for sure! Thanks again!