Hey guys! I am looking to create music for movies, video games and also as a solo artist! My music page http://soundcloud.co m/ryan-stunkel If you are interested in using my music then please send me a message with your request!

Age 30, Male


Full Sail University

Boynton Beach, Florida

Joined on 7/14/12

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stunkel's News

Posted by stunkel - February 14th, 2013

So within the past two weeks, some cool stuff has happened. The biggest thing being that I recently got 100 fans :D, I said this on my other post, but I really do appreciate everyone that is a fan, anyone who supported me, gave reviews, and even just clicked on my pieces. Thanks so much for everything.

I posted a new song called Exodus, you can Click here to Listen to it. Feel free to leave a review and tell me what you think! It's my first cinematic piece really and some feedback would be helpful! I made the song for MAC13 Orchestral Contest, so hopefully I can place in this one. I am yet to place in a contest so far DX But we will see how the judges like my piece compared to the rest. There have been some great entries, so just placing would be a great accomplishment.

I haven't been posting nearly as often as I did in 2012, part of it is because I have been busy with a ton of other music gigs and I think I have just been taking a little extra care with my songs now. Which I am very happy about because I think my music quality is improving a lot. I am not at that professional level yet, but I am on my way. Once I hit that professional level I think I might make an album with me singing (or someone else maybe) or maybe just try a new genre instead of orchestral, try some rock or metal stuff for a change. I just got some new guitar software instruments so I think I should put those to use.

Well, that's pretty much all I have to to say, it'd be great if you all could check out my new song Exodus as I mentioned before. And check out my youtube channel, Facebook and sound cloud page!

Thanks for reading everyone!

Posted by stunkel - February 5th, 2013

Hey everyone, just wanted to make a news post about getting 100 fans! Thank you so much to everyone who has been a fan or who have reviewed, downloaded and listened to my music. Every bit of that has gotten me to 100 and I can't thank you all enough. Newgrounds is such an awesome place with such a great community. So many great and humble minds with so many talented people. I'm so glad I can be apart of it :D Again, thanks for everything guys :D


Posted by stunkel - January 30th, 2013

Hey guys! I just finished my new song "Edge of Time" Check it out by clicking HERE

I made the song for Bosa's Dreams of Splendor Contest and the point of the song was to create my best song yet. I didn't post a song last week because I wanted to work on that song and make sure it was perfect instead of worrying about it, and I think I have it complete to where I am fully satisfied! I put a lot of time into it and I'm not sure if I have spent this much time on a song before. But thanks to everyone who listens and comments and such.

For everyone who doesn't know, here is my SoundCloud Page
And here is my Youtube Channel

Feel free to subscribe or follow me on those!

I have been getting ALOT music gigs with games and animations the past few weeks and still going on now, plus I have school just about everyday including weekends, having at least 3 hours of class each day. But I think I can manage to at least post three times a month, but don't hold me to that.

Anyways, thanks for reading this everyone. If you are an animator or a programmer, send me a private message and maybe we can work something out if you need my services! Again, if you got this far, thanks for reading!

Posted by stunkel - January 19th, 2013

I'm going to be working on dreams of splendor all week, so no song this week. But I will be uploading my dreams of splendor song next wednesday, and you all can hear what may be my best song yet. I've been working on it since the contest started in early january or late december (Can't remember which one DX) But I am going to make sure this song is perfect for uploading.

So be prepared for my best song yet.

Posted by stunkel - January 2nd, 2013

I made a new song for the new year! It's called "A New King". Check it out if you want! I used East/West orchestra to create it for the first time, and I absolutely love it! But let me know what you think of the song! Thanks for reading :3

Posted by stunkel - January 1st, 2013

Wow. It's 2013. Crazy... The world was supposed to end just 10 days ago. And now here we are in 2013!

New years resolutions

I am going to create and remix at least 45 songs in total. First song will be posted tomorrow :D And I will be working harder on each song. I tried doing two songs a week last year for a little bit, and they all seemed rushed... So I'm now doing

Get involved in more flash movies and games! So please, any animators and programmers. Please! Send me a message. I will most likely gladly write music for you!

Get up to 200 fans on newgrounds. I know I'm only at 54 but I think I can make it there if I get enough deals with flash movies and flash games. Also, get up to 500 subscribers on youtube YOUTUBE CHANNEL :D
I know I only have about 260, but I think I can make it there :D

and Four:
Try and come up with better new years resolutions for next year DX

Thanks for reading if you got this far! I will be posting a song tomorrow. I hope you guys like it :D And thanks to all who became fans and such. Hope everyone has a great year!

Posted by stunkel - December 29th, 2012

I am now an official owner of East/West Symphonic Orchestra Gold. Now maybe you will hear something that actually sounds good because of the instrument quality :p I will be posting a new song with this new plugin on wednesday. Song is about halfway done now :D

Subscribe to my youtube channel here!

Thanks for reading this guys! Can't wait to put out some stuff with better instrument quality! See ya all around!! :D

Posted by stunkel - December 12th, 2012

I JUST HIT 50 FANS EVERYONE!! :D Thank you to everyone who has listened to all of my music! I really appreciate it!! Thanks guys for all of the help, feedback, and everything!

I will be posting soon!!

Also! Check out my youtube channel and Facebook page!



Thanks for reading everyone!

Posted by stunkel - December 6th, 2012

Hey guys!! Sorry I haven't posted any music in forever, but.... I JUST POSTED A NEW SONG!! It's called Calm Mind! It's an orchestral piece as I usually do :P

I haven't posted in a while.... Like two weeks... But now I think I am back into my two songs a week schedule for a while! I hopefully won't get sidetracked because I really want to keep up with this schedule.

But anyways.... If you read down this far, I really appreciate you reading all the way down here!! :D I'm surprised if you are this interested in what I have to say, and it makes me happy that you are taking the time to read this! So thank you!!!

Also! Here is my youtube channel! Subscribing does help me out, but if you don't want to, I totally understand.
Thanks for reading!

Posted by stunkel - December 1st, 2012

I have been sick lately. So I haven't been doing my two songs per weekly schedule. I will be uploading soon though! Thanks for reading :D